Since living on my own (well technically there are two other people in this apartment but we hardly see each other due to our schedules). I have come to realise how much I love cooking, I don't know there is just something about being able to make what I want when I want that appeals to me. That and the fact that food here is so goooooooooood. Some of my favourite foods
Sausisson . How can we not have this in New Zealand
Jambon Cru- I have to be so careful with this because I can get carried away and eat the whole packet in one setting
yoghurt- The selection is amazing, I am trying every sort of flavour there is
Orange juice- I also tend to get carried away in this. I brought a two litre bottle of Orange juice yesterday and one litre has gone,
mushrooms- so quick to cook and you can add them to anything
Speaking of food, Claire, Kaia and I went to a crepe restaurant in Digne the other night, it seems we are infamous in this restaurant because the first thing the owner said when he saw us was "oh the girls who won't stop laughing". He was wearing a cool all blacks jersey, I did not ask him about it though....its not really the done thing, had a great night though and the waiter kept us amused .
In terms of school it is going ok, I have the permission from the teachers to write down the names of students that are misbehaving and they then have to write lines at the recre. I have done this and it seems to be working well, now the kids are a lot better behaved as they know I have the power to punish them, and I have used it.
I have moments of real pleasure in class though when kids really get it and show me that they have understood but I know that teaching is not for me.
Shout out to Emma Hyde who is the one who inspired me to update, I was checking out her Tumblr and saw her entry about me:)
Christmas is just around the corner and in celebration I have put up a tree in my room. Two weeks left and then the holidays:)
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