Hello there,
I realise that I have actually not written much about my job, the reason I came to France. I came expecting the worst, having heard horror stories but for the most part it has been great. I teach kids from 3 years old to 11. Iv found that it's the 11 years old ones that are the most challenging, especially as the teacher has them doing other stuff during the lesson which shows the kids that english does not matter.
Things i have learnt
Kids love to colour- give them an activity involving colouring and they will generally behave well
Games work well- bingo, simon says, describe the object
With French kids you have to be viscious, you take no prisoners, they are use to their teachers being super strict with them so in order not to get walked over you have to become a dictator, examples of this include
-Making a class write out lines
-sending kids back to the teacher
I try generally not to yell at the kids, the teachers do it enough. I find pointing out their maturity level works well in calming them
"I can't believe I am seeing this kind of behaviour from a group of CE2/CM1. Are you sure you are not meant to be in CP"
At first I tried to be the nice guy but after one lesson I realised, I would rather be a dictator in the classroom than have the kids be out of control
Cute moment of the day- when a kid commented that I should have eaten more fruits and vegetables because then I would be taller, this from a 4 year old:)